Saturday, April 16, 2011

Govea's Talk

We an awesome meeting this week with the Govea's! A few people have asked for the names of the two books he recommended as well as their website for more information on 10.20.30.GO! The information is below:).

Life Giving Love by Kim Hahn
Love, Warmth and Discipline by Rev. Val J. Peters.

10.20.30 Go! Website:

Some notes from their talk:
1. Be the change you want to see in your children.
2. Provide them structure & accountability.
3. There will be ups and downs, but God is always faithful!

An adult now is not considered "mature" until the age of 31. Before it was 21.

Everyday strive for:
10 minutes prayer
20 minutes reading (if you stop reading/learning you will stop growing
30 minutes of chores - discipline

Positive reinforcements. Each child is different. What motivates your kids? What is their "currency"?