Monday, February 23, 2009


Can you believe we are only a few days away from the start of LENT? What are you (as well as your family) planning on doing during Lent this year? Giving up anything? Doing anything extra? Share your ideas with all of us who haven't completely decided yet what are plans are for this season.

My plans so far:
Going one time during the week to daily mass (with the kids).
To cut out "snacking" between meals and no candy/cookies/junk food.
Doing the Lenten Tree devotions every day.


Stephanie said...

We are also doing the Lenten tree - started tonight and the kids really enjoyed it...and even mentioned a few "sins" that they were sorry for - very cool. Shawn and I are going to try and pray together every night - we've never done that. we always pray with our kids, but never with each other. We are also going to try and work out a few times a week together. We'll see how that one goes...

EmEaster said...

We are also doing the Lenten tree, but we are not off to a good start. I am going with sick kids who are not up at the same time day. Tomorrow is a new day and i am going to try and get on the ball. Jim and I are doing Love Dare. We are also not spending any unnecessary money on anything. We are trying what Jennie posted last year. Our last goal is to slow down not run around so much and enjoy ourselves more. Good luck to all!