Our next meeting will be on Thursday, October 15th. Father Storey will be attending and we'll get to ask him any questions we may have about anything and everything. Please start posting your questions now!
I'm excited to hear Fr. Storey's thoughts on children in church. I'm curious to hear how he feels about loud kids, treats, and auxiliary activities--what is the price for good behavior in church? When is the "cut-off" age for the things I bring for extra help?
When in Rome I did confession at the Vatican. At that time I was on birth control and was told it was a mortal sin. I was not given any penace to complete. I have not taken any birth control since. My question is, is there a way to be forgiven for Mortal sins? Are condoms also considered mortal sin ? What happens to people with mortal sin when they die.
This is a little heavier than Jennie's question :) but I am really looking forward to hearing his answer for her question as well....
I also asked my kids if they had any questions for Father Storey. My son wanted me to ask " why do we need to go to Mass " "why is it important "
Along the same lines as Melissa's question, but with a specific twist... is it still considered a mortal sin if bc pills are taken to control a hormone imbalance, such as PCOS, or is it necessary to protect one's health in another manner that does not include bc pills? Not currently an issue, but curious for the long term health of my body and soul!
In the "spirit" of Halloween, and because he is truly curious, my husband would like to know what the Catholic church's stance is on the existence of ghosts or other "undead". (and no, we don't have a personal experience with them!)
Wow - we already have an awesome list of questions going...and thanks Melissa for opening the door there with your bc questions!! This is totally random, but I would like to know Fr. Story's favorite dessert or treat. I will ask my kids tomorrow what they would want to know from him - that was a great idea. I would also like to know more about pergatory (don't know how to spell it). I recently had a conversation with someone about it and realized I really don't know what it is, or who actually goes there.
This may be hard to articulate but when I explain it to some they seem to understand. Being a mother and a wife is wonderful but also a lot of work. I sometimes feel like I should be doing more...more volunteering, more praying, more giving of myself and my talents. But, honestly, I don't know how I could possibly do so without taking away from my main focus which is raising my family and being a good wife. Is this vocation that I have chosen and my dedication to it enough and pleasing go God or should I be doing more to get to heaven?
Along the same lines, what about our culture and the influences on our children? I always try to remind myself that mothering is the one thing I may never master. I always try to do the best job I can and am always trying to seek out answers and ways to improve. But, there is our culture, the I want this, I want that, brattiness and talking back that is modeled in every day tv shows, the bombardment of sex, violence and inappropriate role models. Any advice on ways to combat this, to lead our children, the words to use?
How does Fr. Storey feel about the holding of hands during the Our Father during mass? I have always learned that this is not in GIRM, and puts an emphasis on this prayer over the others during mass, and by participating in holding hands which is common in the United States it takes away from the universal mass.
Are Priests supposed to give their political views during mass? I'm not talking about abortion or other topics specific to our religion, but rather non-religious issues. I was turned off by a priest who did this and wondered if it was appropriate for him to do or not.
I'd also like to learn more about tithing. I've heard 5% to church, 5% to other charities. Does time and talent factor in or is that supposed to be above and beyond 10%of your income?
I'm excited to hear Fr. Storey's thoughts on children in church. I'm curious to hear how he feels about loud kids, treats, and auxiliary activities--what is the price for good behavior in church? When is the "cut-off" age for the things I bring for extra help?
When in Rome I did confession at the Vatican. At that time I was on birth control and was told it was a mortal sin. I was not given any penace to complete. I have not taken any birth control since. My question is, is there a way to be forgiven for Mortal sins?
Are condoms also considered mortal sin ?
What happens to people with mortal sin when they die.
This is a little heavier than Jennie's question :) but I am really looking forward to hearing his answer for her question as well....
I also asked my kids if they had any questions for Father Storey. My son wanted me to ask " why do we need to go to Mass " "why is it important "
Along the same lines as Melissa's question, but with a specific twist... is it still considered a mortal sin if bc pills are taken to control a hormone imbalance, such as PCOS, or is it necessary to protect one's health in another manner that does not include bc pills? Not currently an issue, but curious for the long term health of my body and soul!
In the "spirit" of Halloween, and because he is truly curious, my husband would like to know what the Catholic church's stance is on the existence of ghosts or other "undead". (and no, we don't have a personal experience with them!)
Wow - we already have an awesome list of questions going...and thanks Melissa for opening the door there with your bc questions!! This is totally random, but I would like to know Fr. Story's favorite dessert or treat. I will ask my kids tomorrow what they would want to know from him - that was a great idea. I would also like to know more about pergatory (don't know how to spell it). I recently had a conversation with someone about it and realized I really don't know what it is, or who actually goes there.
This may be hard to articulate but when I explain it to some they seem to understand. Being a mother and a wife is wonderful but also a lot of work. I sometimes feel like I should be doing more...more volunteering, more praying, more giving of myself and my talents. But, honestly, I don't know how I could possibly do so without taking away from my main focus which is raising my family and being a good wife. Is this vocation that I have chosen and my dedication to it enough and pleasing go God or should I be doing more to get to heaven?
Along the same lines, what about our culture and the influences on our children? I always try to remind myself that mothering is the one thing I may never master. I always try to do the best job I can and am always trying to seek out answers and ways to improve. But, there is our culture, the I want this, I want that, brattiness and talking back that is modeled in every day tv shows, the bombardment of sex, violence and inappropriate role models. Any advice on ways to combat this, to lead our children, the words to use?
How does Fr. Storey feel about the holding of hands during the Our Father during mass? I have always learned that this is not in GIRM, and puts an emphasis on this prayer over the others during mass, and by participating in holding hands which is common in the United States it takes away from the universal mass.
Are Priests supposed to give their political views during mass? I'm not talking about abortion or other topics specific to our religion, but rather non-religious issues. I was turned off by a priest who did this and wondered if it was appropriate for him to do or not.
I'd also like to learn more about tithing. I've heard 5% to church, 5% to other charities. Does time and talent factor in or is that supposed to be above and beyond 10%of your income?
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