Sunday, May 30, 2010

Simple Summer Salad Recipe

Here is a great summer salad recipe - that's healthy too. It was made recently at the May meeting. You could even add grilled chicken and it can be your entire dinner!

Spinach Salad (Celeste Steffens)

Clean, dry spinach leaves (or baby spinach leaves, which I prefer)
Red onion—(*optional, diced very small)
Crumbled feta cheese
Cherry tomatoes, cut in half
Crushed walnuts
Dried cherries, cut in half (or you can use any kind of fruit you like, such as mandarin oranges)
Light Italian Dressing
Balsamic Vinaigrette

Mix first 6 ingredients together in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine light Italian dressing and balsamic vinaigrette (I use about 2 parts Italian dressing to 1 part balsamic vinaigrette). Wait to add the combined dressing until right before you serve the salad, then stir it in. A little dressing goes a long way so be careful not to overdo it. Enjoy!

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