Tuesday, August 31, 2010

October Family Activity

On Saturday, October 2nd we will have a hayride at Shawnee Mission Park from 5:30-7:30. The first hour is a hay ride and the second hour is for roasting marshmallows and drinking apple cider. The cost will be $4 per person with 2 and under being free. Money will be collected at 5:15 on the day of the event. There is a limit of (we will have two wagons that accommodate 25-30 people each). Sign up is on a first come basis. If you want to be the first to sign up, just reply here - you can just use your first name and last initial and how many (including you) will be attending. If you sign up, you are not obligated to attend. We just need to get an idea how many people are interested and can attend on this evening. Thanks!!