Thursday, June 11, 2009

Best Time to Discipline

Here's another email from Jim Fay I thought we all could probably use...especially this summer when the kids are at home

When to Discipline

Dear Insider's Club Member,
I met a man on the airplane who passed on some great advice. He said that he memorized the following rhyme. It played in his head many times as he raised his family. He said that every time he forgot to apply this wisdom he was disappointed with how he handled a situation.

Here it is:

"Never discipline in anger.
Never discipline in haste.
Save it for some happy day,
When both are feeling great."

One of the essential skills of Love and Logic® parents is to delay discipline long enough to cool down, think it over, seek advice if necessary, and deliver the consequence when both the adult and child are in the thinking mode.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Enjoyed playgroup at Franklin Park yesterday. A hot day, but with all of the huge trees there was plenty of shade to keep us all cool. Next Monday we'll be meeting at Leawood City Park.